I've Got 20+ Reasons But a Virus Ain't One

But It's Not the Right Time...
That's what I've been telling myself for the last three weeks.
It's not the right time to launch a new business.
People across the world are freaking the freak out.
People are losing their lives. Their income. And in many cases, their minds. We're in the middle of a pandemic meltdown that's going to get a whole lot worse, before it gets better.
This. Is. Seriously. Messed Up.
Yet here I am, with the bare audacity to start something new.
Is this really the time?
My grand plans for publishing a weekly newsletter started to feel small and insignificant.
The motivation I once had was fading fast.
I thought 'maybe I should wait until things settle down'.
Err, OK. But when would that be?
A month from now?
Three months... a year?
Was I really going to allow my sense of uneasiness hijack my desire to create?
After all, I've been there before. Putting plans on hold because I didn't feel ready.
Case in point: This newsletter.
Between you and me, I've sat on this idea for about six months, making up excuse after excuse as to why I wasn't ready to start it.
I finally got over myself and took some action - bought the domain name, built the website, wrote the first newsletter...
Then coronavirus hit, throwing everything back into the shadow of uncertainty.
Should I launch? Should I wait?
Will I regret not buying that extra pack of toilet roll?
These disease riddled streets can't stop me now
Hell no. The cost of losing momentum is too high.
I had to put my inner doubt in check.
So I pulled her up for a chat. Our conversation went a little like this:
'Look, I know everything is jacked up right now. The world feels unsafe, and scary. You want to wrap yourself up in a little ball and hide from all the craziness. But not today. Let's not allow the current situation to steal our fire. Someone out there will benefit from the resource we're creating. So let's do this.'
I've decided to forge on despite the madness.
Is now the right time to start a new venture?
I have 20+ reasons to say 'NO', but, I'm going to do my thing anyway.
How about you?
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Worth Sharing:
(hand-picked from around the web)
Certainty anchors (PODCAST): In times of uncertainty, our rituals and routines have this funny way of keeping us grounded.
When you're anxious about uncertainty: A 5-step process called FLARE is your friend.
Make a decision even when it's tough: "Being a leader during times of uncertainty and crisis is hard. Really hard. Situations are fluid and constantly evolving. Remember that as you get more information, you can always adjust and make another decision. But keep moving instead of being paralyzed by uncertainty and fear."
"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity": Three ideas for generating an extra income stream.
Staying productive and creative: "The act of creation brings joy, a sense of pride, and helps you forget about the ills of the world, at least for a little while. In times of calm or panic, it may just be the most productive thing you can do."
How do we not panic though? A brain hack for keeping wayward anxiety in check.
When will all this craziness end? Who knows! We just have to keep going.
Tools to Thrive By:
Loving-Kindness Meditation: What the world needs now is love, sweet love (oof, the level of my cheesiness is high with this one). But in case you're in need of a good, guided meditation for peace, compassion and self-love, plug in to this (13-mins).
And here's another, slightly longer L-K meditation. It's more spacey and breathy, but just as good (28 mins).
18 Science Backed Reasons to Try Loving-Kindness Meditation: In case you're a little nerdy like me and want more deets on the benefits of this type of meditation.