Issue #016 | July 12, 2020  


In this week's issue: making a pivot when things feel off, the curse of too many ideas, getting paid as a creative, the perfect circle challenge + more.

Having a Mid-Life Email Identity Crisis. Help!

You know I love creating these newsletters, right?

It's just... recently I've been feeling a little off. As though something's missing. That something is me. 

And I don't like it, not one bit.

You see, the vision I had for this newsletter was that it would be this place where I could share my journey as a creator, daring to put my work into the world. 

Doing it scared. 

The ups, the downs, the practical stuff, the emotional and mental mind f*ckery, and all those fiddly bits in-between. To share resources that you'd find helpful and inspiring and challenging and cool. 

And to grace you with my random brain farts and Mena-isms, hoping you'd find something funny, relatable or messy-but-good.

I'm on issue #16 of our (yours & mine) newsletter, and I'm having an identity crisis. A mid-freaking-life email crisis.

My obsession to 'add more value' has led to me posting long-ass educational articles in your inbox. Not that there's anything wrong with long-ass educational articles. It's just... they don't speak to you, the way I want to speak to you over email.

Those articles take me down an interesting rabbit hole, but they don't leave much room for conversation or connection.

Those articles belong on my blog (I'm creating a home for them there), not here. Not in our private inbox.

Sooo I've been thinking (huddle up now).

I'd like to go back to my original plan to send you 'letters'. 

I'd like to shoot the breeze about the stuff I'm learning/thinking/playing with. 

Sharing stories, and curating resources (practical as well as the mindset stuff) that'll help you navigate your own creative journey, whether you create on the side, or as a full-time solo entrepreneur.

Oh, and the obligatory GIF. I'd like to carry on sending those too (because I'm a big dorky kid like that).

Would that be OK with you?

Mena x

P.S. I almost didn't send this email. I was going to sneakily change up the style. Then I thought 'gurl share deeez thing.' It's a lesson in openness and having the courage to pivot when you feel off track.

Help me to help you: Tell me what you want to see more of in our Sunday letters?

This is our playground, right? So let's make this a place you want to hang out. Always. 

Tell me what your favourite rides are, and I'll be sure to hook you up. Click any option below (you can select more than one).

Advice, Tips & Tools from the Web

πŸ”₯ What to do when you have too many ideas?

Are you an idea horder? Because most of us creative types are. But you see all those unfinished projects and 'one day I'll blah, blah, blah' promises. They're squishing your future plans. 

This article is real on so many levels, but I'm going to leave this little excerpt for you to stew on:

"You buy a domain name, spend weeks or months researching and reading up on how to build a website, but you don’t actually install WordPress."

Or maybe it's that book idea that's been rattling around in your head since time began. 

The idea churn of the creative mind knows no bounds. Can you relate? 

Read this >> Idea Debt (Jessica Abel)

πŸ”₯ Add an element of playfulness to your articles

I'm always looking for writing tips that add fun and flavour. Tips as playful as a spirited kitten pouncing on a tangled web of yarn πŸ˜‰

Tips like these >> How to Jazz Up Your Writing (Enchanting Marketing)

πŸ”₯ ADD/ADHD or just creative?

This thought has wafted across my mind more than a few times: 

"Do I have ADHD?"

It's a real struggle at times, trying to work on only one idea at a time. My multi-passionate brain wants to do all the things. But is that an ADHD thing or a straight up creative thing? This article attempts to offer an answer.

Read here >> You're Not ADD You're Artistic (Additude Mag)

πŸ”₯ How to get paid for the creative work you do

Mike Monteiro, the co-founder and design director of Mule Design, and his lawyer, talk money, contracts and managing clients. This video had me nodding like a deranged donkey for two reasons:

  1. It'll protect you from getting ripped off by dodgy clients (if you heed the advice).
  2. Mike and his lawyer... quite possibly the wickedest comedy duo in suits.

Don't be put off by the fact the talk is being presented to big agency web designers. This message is relevant to creative freelancers doing the solo thing too.

Watch here >> "F*ck You, Pay Me" via Smart Start Coach (Linda Lopeke)

Warning: If you don't like F bombs, don't watch this.

πŸ”₯ Need affordable legal templates?

Because not all of us have big moneyz to spend on custom contracts. 

This site offers UK legal contracts and various policy documents for your website. Free and affordable options.

Disclaimer: I'm not offering legal advice because that would be dumb. I'm not a lawyer. Don't come for me. That said, this place looks legit (they provide legal services to other legal services). Remember to always do your due diligence, and consult a qualified professional for your particular contractual needs (they have those too on this site).

Find them here >> Free legal documents and paid legal documents

Just for Fun!

Can you draw a perfect circle? Here's my attempt.

Can you beat my score? Prove it!