Issue #017 | July 19, 2020 


This week I'm sharing: my rumble with 'the gap', using feminine energy to get things done, pricing your creative work, stick figure fun + more.

When All You See it the Gap

I raced all the way home from school.

Full of excitement and nervous energy, I threw my battered book bag on the floor. Next to it I carefully laid down a big black case.

"Mum, mum!" I yelled. 

"Look, what I've got."

I reached down, unbuckled the case and pulled out an instrument.

I'd just started violin lessons, and the school had given me a violin so I could practice at home.

I grabbed my bow, placed my chin on the rest piece and began to play Memory, a song we were learning at school.

After a cringe-worthy performance I set the violin down and looked over at my mum.

"Sooo what do you think? Was it good?"

I knew it wasn't.

The notes were sharp, strained and screechy, nothing like the melodies I'd imagined playing in my head.

Mum smiled, applauded and gushed her approval. The way mother's do when confronted by their child's ugly 'art', for the millionth time. But I could see right through that.

I knew my performance sucked.

And so I practiced and practiced and practiced. Months flew by. I still sucked. A few more months passed, but I was nowhere near as good as I wanted to be.

Disappointment led to frustration. And frustration led to me saying goodbye to my sweet violin.

But imagine if I had leaned into the gap?

You've heard of the gap right?

That space between the creator you are today, and the creator you could be in the future.

That's where I got stuck.

The ten year old wannabe violinist in me couldn't see how I could get to the other side.

When people say they don't think their work is good enough, what I hear is:

"I see this gap, and I don't have enough belief in my abilities to develop the skills or knowledge to bridge it."

Do you have those moments where you look at something you've spent hours on and think 'ugh, this could be way better if only I knew how...?'

It's crazy making, yet at the same time the process of creating, learning and growing is fun and exciting.

And you've got no choice but to lean into the gap. Assuming you want to do the 'thing', of course.

If this is something you're struggling with, check out this short video. It's Ira Glass discussing the gap. 

And it's a beautiful reminder to just. Keep. Going.

Mena x

Advice, Tips & Tools from the Web

🔥 How to get things done when the usual hacks don't work

Now this is what's sorely lacking in most of the content within the traditional male dominated world of productivity.

This article explains why the typical hacks and apps don't work for all of us.

It uncovers one simple truth:

That at the root of getting things done lies self-awareness.

As the author, Lauren Valdez, puts it:

"Productivity is not about optimizing every aspect of your life or being well-versed on the latest and most flashy new app. The point of productivity is to do what brings you pleasure and to have more freedom. We aren't machines. We are human."

A tool, is a tool, is a tool. Tools are good. I like using them.

But a tool isn't going to save you if there's an underlying issue preventing you from executing on that tool or strategy.

Deal with that first, then go get your tools.

→ Feminine Energy: What Productivity is Missing (Forte Labs)

🔥 How to charge for your creative work?

You've created your thing, and now it's time to set the price.

Only, it feels uncomfortable figuring out how much to charge. Charge too much, and you'll risk scaring off buyers, charge too little and you'll be living off Ramen noodles for the next week.

This article offers advice from two creatives on how they make sure they get paid what they're worth. In brief they discuss:

  • Why creatives have difficulty in pricing and valuing their work.
  • Advice for creatives who are new or struggle with the money side of creating
  • Why pricing per hour is not the best strategy.
  • Why it's important to establish an SLA (Service Level Agreement).
  • Practical tips and a formula for pricing your creative work

→ How to Put a Price on Your Creative Work (Domestika)

🔥 How to re-frame creative fear

This article lists timeless insights from 5 books.

These resonate with me the most:

  • The resistance you're feeling is an indication of the growth about to follow.
  • Publishing work that doesn't feel 'good enough' is an act of courage. Do it anyway. Do it for long enough and eventually you'll achieve mastery in your craft.
  • Mistakes open doors to new avenues of creative expression. Don't fear the mistakes.
  • Fear isn't the problem. Allowing it stop you is.

→Transcending Fear in the Creative Process (The Atlantic)

🔥 Free to illustrations & vectors from around the web

Something to bring life to your website, blog posts or next design project.

→ Free Illustrations

Just for Fun!

Draw a Stick Figure