Issue #024 | September 06, 2020  


This week: how to never run out of ideas, a notes app for notes about people, how to email like a boss + more.

Stop Guilt Tripping Yourself (Do This Instead)

When was the last time you used the 'S' word?

I'll tell you when I used it last.

42.15357 minutes ago. 

Or there abouts. Right before writing this.

So I'm standing at the kitchen sink. Scrubbing the shit out of the stainless steel pan I'd almost incinerated. 

(Note to self: trying to cook and work at the same time... not a good idea. Stop this madness Mena.)

As I'm rinsing away the charcoal peppered suds, I glance out the window. That's when the 'S' word slipped out:

"Yikes! Look at the state of my garden. I really should mow it soon."

Although, I had no intention of dealing with that overgrown catastrophe anytime 'soon'.

Not today. Not tomorrow. 

Annnd not the day after that. I had more important stuff to do.... like... earning a living. 

Yet, a twinge of guilt (and shame) crept over me. 

Sprouting a few weeds here and there is one thing. But fricking brambles? Nah brah.

How did my green fingered slackness escalate to THIS? 

should've never let my backyard grow this wild.

heres to the crazy ones quote - not fitting in

Guilt tripping yourself on a should is pure yuck.

But the 'should' word isn't all bad. The problem is we use it in a really jacked up way.

We use it when we:

  1. don't want to do the thing we're shoulding about
  2. kind of want to do the thing, but we're not ready for it
  3. are saddled with OPE (other people's expectations) and feel obligated to come through

Think about it... the last time you bumped into a friend you hadn't seen in a while (let's call her Olga). 

Life got busy, is all, but you panic. You feel guilty for not making the effort to keep in touch. The 'S' word comes tumbling out from anxious lips: 

"We should do lunch some day."

But you secretly don't want to do lunch.

Not because you don't want to spend time with Olga. Chances are you'd have a blast catching up. 

It's just that a lunch date is yet another thing you need to make time for. 

And being honest, it's not on your list of priorities. Not right now. 

Your guilt gets you feeling like a bad friend. 

But hang on. 

You're feeling guilty for prioritising how you choose to spend your time and energy?

That's messed up.

Look, we're never going to banish the shoulds from our lives. But we can re-frame how we use them.

Because there's a good way to use should. And then there's a bad way.

The bad way to should yourself:

  • "I should write a book... [some day]".

Hmm! Framed like that it's little more than a nice non-committal wish that's never gonna happen. 

And the longer we keep restating this wish, the more we're stalling on the decision to start and get it done. 

So the desire to write a book gets buried in the should pile.

The good way to should yourself:

  • "I should stop peeking at my neighbours through my living room window and get my ass back to writing my newsletter"
  • "I should stop wasting time watching prank videos and finish creating my workbook"
  • "I should take a break because I've been sitting in front of the PC for 4 hours straight and I'm getting sciatic pain in my left butt cheek"
  • "I should pull out my diary right this minute, find a day I'm free and firm up a lunch date with my girl Olga. Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll block out 2-3 hours this Saturday and fix up my damn garden"

The bad way smacks of indecision, guilt and shame.

The good way makes it clear where your priorities ought to lie, and what action to focus on next.

So do me a favour. The next time you catch yourself guilt tripping on a should, try re-framing it in a way that takes the pressure off.

Do that. Then let me know how it worked out for you.

Mena x

Useful Stuff to Know

✨ How to never run out of ideas again

  • Expose yourself to good ideas then combine them.
  • Use a system to capture ideas everywhere you go.
  • Give your ideas enough time to 'bake'.
  • Move between a generative flow to critical flow of ideas.
  • Set up an execution process.

Scott Young → 5 tricks to never run out of ideas again

✨ Here's how to get comfortable in your creative skin

Worth a quick read. Some points I agree with. Others I don't. 

Here a few of my faves:

  • Whatever you think you are is what you will be.
  • Free yourself from this need to be sensible.
  • Make failure a stepping stone to success.
  • Question everything, everywhere, forever.
  • Don’t obsess over detail or perfection.
  • Don't wait to be inspired. Just get up and do something.
  • Stop looking to others and set your own standards.

The Tao of Wealth → How to Unlock Your Creative Self

✨ The 4 types of creator struggle and how to deal

  • Finding the time to create when we're busy doing life.
  • Finding the right mental and emotional space to create.  
  • Being comfortable with the vulnerability that comes with sharing our stories/ideas and managing our fears of 'not being good enough'. 
  • Lack of control over how others receive our ideas.  

Don't let these paralyse you into not taking action.

Jen Carrington → Why Discomfort Is Part of The Process When You’re Creating Content That Matters

✨ A notes app for notes about people

Just like it says on the box:

"Remember things like your last conversation, someone’s favourite drink, or their family members’ names. And set reminders so you never forget to stay in touch, no matter how busy life gets."

→ Revere App

Caught on Instagram

Just for Fun!

Frog and Toad Tentatively Go Outside After Months in Self-Quarantine

This gave me giggles this week. 

It's a quick, fun story about the realness of life after quarantine. 

Here's a brief excerpt:

The Calendar

Frog looked at Toad’s calendar. The April page was on top.

“Toad,” said Frog, “do you think it is still April?”

“No,” said Toad, “I know it is August. But my brain feels stuck in April.”

“Mine too,” said Frog.

Frog ripped off the April page.

“Toad,” said Frog, “I do not understand time anymore.”

“Time means nothing now,” said Toad. “It is just the thing that happens between snacks.”

→ Frog and Toad Tentatively Go Outside After Months In Self-Quarantine