This all smacks of uncertainty. And that's a horrible place to get stuck. Because life is uncertain. Our inner critic pointing out the obvious isn't helping. It's disabling our ability to commit to making a decision. A decision that could open the door to a whole new adventure. Here's a couple of better questions my friend could ask instead: Q: What do I need to get out of my way and start this thing? A: A concrete next step. Q: What's my concrete next step? A: Grab a pen and paper and brain dump every big (and little) thing I need to do, learn and get help with, so I can bring this idea to life. That's all she needs to do to get moving. Sure she's got a lot of work ahead of her, but if she keeps taking baby steps, she's going to kill it with her own website. Eventually. So over to you. What's something you've been meaning to start but haven't yet? Could be anything - a new health and fitness regimen, creating a course, finding clients, writing a book, starting a blog. Anything. What's your next concrete step? Don't just say it out loud. Go grab a pen and paper. Write it down. Act as though you mean business this time. Then, if you feel like it, shoot me an email and share your new thing with me. Mena x |