But this laughter meditation thing... Well, I must have gotten the wrong memo that day. Turns out I was the only group member partaking in genuine belly laughter. So, I'm in the middle of this session and I don't know what's funnier. The host with his ridiculous over-the-top fake laughter, rolling on the floor antics. (Yes, he actually rolled his whole body on the floor. Several times). Or, the fact that people were looking at me as if I was crazy because I couldn't stop cry-laughing. One guy looked seriously concerned for my health as he handed me a box of Kleenex.
I kept thinking 'what am I doing here?' 'Why aren't these people finding this funny?' And then the penny dropped. Some people don't find it as easy to laugh. Not at themselves. Not at others. That realisation floored me.Because, how do you do life without being able to laugh at it's messiness? Through laughter we build social bonds, diffuse tension, and let go of shit that doesn't serve. As creators, or wannabe creators, we probably need to laugh more than anyone else. Especially when it comes to laughing at ourselves.
Dealing with fear, resistance, uncertainty. Putting your work into the world and expecting people to like, share and buy it. It's all crazy making. We beat ourselves up over a series of little mistakes that feel so big in the moment. You know, like hitting send on an important email before you've had a chance proofread it (been there). Those mishaps remind us that we're not perfect. And it's OK not to be. We can fret over our mistakes. But when the dust settles on the embarrassment of it all, we have two choices. 1) continue to stress over what's done, or 2) laugh about it. In my mind laughter is this wicked-cool tool we need to use more often. It's like the band-aid that keeps on healing. Granted, some things aren't so easy to laugh about. And you do your best to deal with the sensitivity they deserve. But for the rest of the stuff... laugh it off my friend. Mena x P.S. What do you generally find funny? Jokes, tomfoolery, toilet humour... something else? Hit reply, let me know. |