Pre-COVID I was at the gym 3-4 days a week. A habit I'd worked hard to maintain for the last 6 years. And then the Corona shitstorm happened. Gyms far and wide closed. It was like a dagger to my heart. I remained optimistic. I figured I could keep my fitness up at home. Bahaha! Ha! Three months post gym closure, and the truth became clear: home exercise was not for me. Working out from home is not the same as working out at the gym. I don't care what anyone says. It isn't an adequate replacement. Certainly not for me. Here's me at the gym: "I've done a 2-hour session and I still want more. I'm a beast!" Annnd me at home: "This 30-minute workout is way too long. Oh here's a 10 minute one. I'll do this instead". Needless to say my fitness levels drop like a hot potato. FACT: home workouts lasting longer than 20-minutes bore the pants off me. (Unless I'm engaging in a solo dance party in my kitchen - but that doesn't feel like a workout). When they announced the gyms would re-open in July I was beyond happy... for about a minute.
You see, I'd fallen so hard from the fitness wagon that the thought of getting back on it was sending me into panic mode. So I extended my membership freeze. I found excuses to support my decision. I told myself it wasn't safe to go back. Not yet. Worst of all, I blamed the pandemic for my lack of motivation. Coronavirus had made me lazy. Physically lazy. Ugh! |