There I was, huddled in a tight dark corner with three vibrant wantrepreneurs.
Clutching my tumbler of ice cold lemon water, I listened as each member of our group took it in turns to speak. One woman confessed her reason for not starting her business. She'd been attending entrepreneurial events for two years. Always stuck in 'planning mode'. Never taking any action.
"I don't like the thought of failing." She paused to swig wine from an almost empty glass. "The worst thing for me would be to start something, then fuck it up. And knowing me, I would royally fuck it up." The women laughed. I smiled. I smiled at the irony of her confession. In my mind, not starting the thing you've been yearning for is the worst kind of failure. Never becoming the true boss of your life because there's a risk you'll make a few mistakes along the way... That's pretty F'd up. "I don't like the thought of failing." Name one living soul who does? I certainty don't. I mean I tolerate my failures, but I don't like failing. What I do like, is the growth that comes from failing. I've started a few different business ventures over the last 10 years. And I've had to reconcile with this one truth: Failure is inevitable. Avoidance is futile. You will F up. Many, many times. It comes with the territory of trying new things. |