

We see what others can't, don't or won't see - the vivid colours, the shapes, the imagery, the sounds, the feelings. And we grab our brushes and pens to bring that to life.
At times our messy curiosity makes others feel uncomfortable.
We're often misunderstood or labelled as weird, crazy, eccentric dreamers who really ought to grow up, live in the real world and 'get a real job'.
Whatever that means.
And that's sad, because there are many amazing creatives or wannabe creatives who are stifling their real selves.
Who are stuck in jobs that don't serve them. Who are so worried about being judged or criticised or failing that they keep themselves small; never starting that business or blog or book that's been sitting in their heart for years.
It's hard being in an environment where you're constantly misunderstood.
It's even harder living a life that's not true to you.
The cool thing about being your true self is this: you start to attract other misfits, rebels and round pegs. The sort who 'get', respect and cherish your vibe and your work. They see you doing your thing as an unapologetic individual, and that inspires them to do theirs.
Not fitting in? Consider that a creative blessing.